jacopo greco d'alceo


for 7 dancers and electroacoustic


Commissioned by CNSMD of Lyon
Electroacoustic music and classical dance meet. It’s much more than a simple fusion of artistic disciplines, though. It’s a bold exploration, a dialogue between the past manifesting in the present and the present resonating with the past. Each moment is the fruit of a dialogue between movement sculpted by tradition and sound breathing in the present.

Thanks to Pierre Darde for this collaboration.

Musical composition: Jacopo Greco d’Alceo
Choreographic composition: Pierre Darde
Voice: Armance Merle
Dancers: Zoé Byl, Cassandre Dinh Thao, Hipolyte Hubert, Maëlle Follot-Ngbandy-Zeba, Maélie Mauro, Alexandre Marchand, Eugénie Noblanc

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